Wednesday 7/29
My Birthday
Make sweet dough for lemon bars- 2 sheets
Fruit tarts, large tartes filled with orange cream filling
Cut and fill tray of éclairs
Thursday 7/30
Bake cookies
For tomorrow- bake sponge cakes
Need 50 cookies and 3 cakes to go for Belmont
-bake brownies
-dip éclairs
Plate 30 desserts for party at 6:30pm , raspberry sauce on plate with mint garnish
Made 6 chiffon cakes, wrap up, in cooler
Friday 7/31
Roberto off today
Italian Butter cream- from Gislen
1000 g sugar
lemon juice
500 g whites
1700 g butter
I didn’t like this recipe. I ended up adding extra meringue, 300 g sugar and 250 g whites, because the butter cream was way too dense.
Rich Brownies – Gislen pg 739
Yields full sheet pan
1 lb 12 oz chocolate
2 lb 8 oz butter
1 lb 12 oz eggs
2 lb sugar
7 g salt
1 oz vanilla
1 lb bread flour
4 g baking powder
Melt butter and chocolate together over bain marie
In Hobart bowl, whisk by hand eggs and sugar over bain marie (or in soup warmer)
When eggs are liquidy and sugar is dissolved, put on mixer and whip until just a little fluffy on speed 2. Add vanilla. On speed 1, pour in chocolate butter and mix to combine
In separate bowl, whisk together flour and baking powder
Fold flour into chocolate mixture
Deposit into buttered and parchment lined sheet pan
Bake 325 for around 45 minutes, test with skewer for doneness
I was very pleased with this recipe and continued to use this, with slight variation, every time I made brownies there after. It made a dense, fudgy brownie that stayed moist for a long time. Much better than the dry, boxed brownies they would make when I first started working. I’m glad I was able to convince Roberto it was worth it to make the brownies from scratch.
Lemon Curd for tartlets for party tomorrow
2 lb 4 oz sugar
1 lb 2 oz yolks
1 lb 2 oz lemon juice
zest 1 lemon
15 oz butter
We needed lemon curd to make 75 individual lemon tartletts for a party the next day. I thought I would be productive and make the curd the night before so we could just pipe it into the shells and top with meringue. I am not sure what happened in making this curd but it must not have cooked long enough because it was not thick. I followed the same method as I do when making a small batch; I made this amount x4. The butter did not incorporate well and it stayed on top. I tried an immersion blender but that did not help. When I got in the next morning it turned out that Roberto hadn’t noticed the curd I made and he made some of his own, a different recipe and he added gelatin. I don’t like adding gelatin to everything. Not everything has to be that gelatinous consistency. When I tried the tartlet later I really didn’t care for it. The common meringue he put on top barely lasted long enough for the party that evening. But what else can you do if you work in the morning and have a party at night, the meringue can’t be done at the last minute even if you wanted to. The extra curd I made I ended up adding some gelatin too and using it as filling for a tray of lemon squares. I did not want it to go to waste.
***********Saturday 8/1
-prep tartlets and cupcakes for party
Red Velvet Cupcakes
2 lb 12 oz cake flour
4 t salt
3 ¾ oz cocoa powder
36 oz sugar
44.5 oz oil
8 eggs
1 cp red food color
20 g vanilla
4 cp buttermilk
32 g baking soda
38 g vinegar
Whisk/sift flour, salt and cocoa together
In mixer, paddle sugar and oil, add eggs
Add food color and vanilla
Add flour and buttermilk, alternating. Starting with flour
In a small bowl, mix baking soda with vinegar, add to batter and mix for 10 seconds
Scoop batter into lined cupcake pans
Bake 350 about 12-15 minutes, test with skewer
Oat Crumble topping for small apple tarts
1 lb butter
10 oz sugar
8 oz brown sugar
10 oz flour
8 oz oats
Pinch salt
Cut butter into flour in robot coupe, mix everything together
Sprinkle on top of little apple tarts and bake
Italian butter cream
8 oz whites 2 lb 5/8 oz
14.7 oz sugar 3 lb 10 ¾ oz
16 oz butter 4 lb 1 3/8 oz
Pound Cake Cupcakes
6 cp flour
4 cp sugar
3 t baking powder
1 t salt
4 cp butter
1 cp milk
2 t vanilla
12 eggs
Mix dry ingredients in bowl, add butter, milk, and vanilla
Beat for one minute, scrape bowl, then beat high 2 minutes
At medium speed, add eggs
Cream cheese frosting
2 lb cream cheese
2 lb powdered sugar
whip with paddle
Sunday 8/2
Mealy dough
Pastry flour 100% 22.8 oz
Butter 65% 14.82oz
Ice water 25% 5.7 oz
Salt 2% 2% 12.9 g
Sugar 5% 28.89 g
Flaky dough
Pastry flour 100% 21.7 oz
Butter 70% 15.19 oz
Ice water 30% 6.51 oz
Salt 2% 12.3 g
Sugar 5% 36.9 g
Blueberry Pie filling
1 ¼ cp brown sugar
5 T cornstarch
6 cp blueberries
1 T lemon juice
1 T butter
Cherry Pie filling
1 cp sugar
3 T cornstarch
¼ t salt
5 cp cherries
3 T lemon juice
2 T butter
oven at 425 degrees for 30 minutes
cover crust with foil and reduce to 375 degrees for 40 minutes
-Plate 90 slices chocolate rum cake, sauce and berries for party.
I made my own little assembly line of plate, sauce, cake, berry on the counter then moved the plates to a sheet tray, and continued until I had about 93 plates.
Happy Birthday!